Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Test Question

The two methods of connecting to the Internet that i am going to discuss are dial-up and cable. Dial up is where you have a telephone line that connects you to the Internet. Because you are connected over the phone line connection can be somewhat slower. This type of connection is probably best for older people who don't really do a lot of chatting and downloading music and such, better for just sending emails and simple stuff.The disadvantages are that it is slower and you can not receiver phones calls while connected. Advantages are that it is cheaper than the other Internet connections.
Cable on the other hand goes through you TV cable which means you have to have a splitter. This connection is better because it doesn't tie up your phone line, it is faster, and you can stay connected longer without getting kicked off. It cost more than dial-up but i would say it is worth it. This type of connection is probably better for maybe younger people who do a lot of chatting and downloading.

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